Monday, 31 December 2012

10,000 AD Characters - 5e D&D


Basic Rules HTML Version

Optional Rules - Multi-Classing & Feats are not used.

Use the standard array 15 14 13 12 10 8 or 27 Point Buy to create a character.
Strength is a measure of physical power and prowess.  
Intelligence is a measure of metal prowess and intellectual capacity. 
Wisdom measures a character’s capacity for learning, understanding, and mental defense. 
Dexterity is a measure of speed, agility, and precision. 
Constitution is a measure of endurance, health, and physical durability. 
Charisma is a measure of personality, force of will, and physical attractiveness. 

Available Races
Aerial - Aerials are winged humans. Use Aarakocra stats.
The Eberron Races are available for play - Changeling, Kalashtar, Shifter & Warforged
Most Warforged frames are millennia old, though their memories may have been wiped numerous times over the ages.
Dragonborn - a genetically engineered warrior race.
Dwarves or 'Squats' were genetically engineered for high-gravity environments.
Elf & Half Elf - also known as the Areon; they are descendants of space-faring colonists since returned to Old Earth.
Genasi - humans touched by the power of the Elements.
Goliath & VGTM - genetically engineered demi-giants.
Halflings are a diminutive human offshoot most commonly found along rivers.
Human - still the most common Race. Humans may add 6 attribute points to their attributes as desired, between 0 and 2 points per attribute. By default humans add +1 to each attribute.
Gnome - a rare and reclusive bio-engineered Race.
Kenku - VGTM
Lizardfolk - VGTM
Pig-Men - use Half-Orc stats. The vicious Pig-Men are generally hated and feared by other races.
Tabaxi (Cat Folk) - VGTM
Tiefling - most Tieflings appear human, or have one unusual or eye-catching feature hinting at sinister ancestry.

All PHB classes are available.
Barbarian - 
Cleric - 
Druid - 
Fighter - 
Monk - 
Paladin - 
Ranger - 
Rogue - 
Sorcerer - 
Warlock - 
Wizard -

Additional Classes

Unarmoured Defence
A class with Heavy Armour Proficiency may choose to replace it with Unarmoured Defence: choose an attribute other than Dexterity to add to AC when unarmoured. Eg a Paladin might have Unarmoured Defence - Charisma. A Fighter might have Unarmoured Defence - Strength or Constitution.

Experience & Level
10,000 AD PCs begin play at 3rd level with 900 XP and standard starting gear. Experience is earned normally through Level 10. From Level 11 experience is normally earned at 1/5 the standard rate (see below).

Race:    Sex:
Level:  3rd    Background:
Proficiency Bonus: +2    Experience Points: 900/2700
Armour Class:            Hit Points:
Proficient Saves:
Proficient Skills:
Other Equipment:
Special Abilities:

Additional Backgrounds
Time-Lost Wanderer: You are originally from Victorian London, Republican Rome, 21st century Los Angeles.... or any other place and time in Earth's history or future. Gain any two Skill Proficiencies. Benefit: Sceptic - Once per Long Rest you may roll a save against one magical effect with Advantage.
Escaped Slave: You have escaped the chains of bondage. Gain Insight and Deception skill Proficiencies. proficiencies. Benefit: Blend into Crowd - while appropriately dressed you may successfully blend into any crowd of townsfolk, slaves, servants etc without having to make a skill check; no Passive check can detect you unless you do something to draw attention to yourself.
Pregenerated Characters - Official - Human (1st-10th level)

Barbarian-3, Human Berserker
Background: Time-Lost Wanderer
PB +2 AC 14/16 (+2 DEX +2 CON +2 shield) Hit Points 32
ST +3 (16) DE +2 (14) CO +2 (15) IN -1 (9) WI +1 (13) CH +0 (11)
Saves: STR +5 CON +4
Battleaxe or Longsword ATT +5 dam 1d8+5 rage 1d8+3 no rage
4 javelins ATT +5 dam 1d6+3
2 hand axes ATT +5 dam 1d6+5 rage & 1d6+2 off-hand rage)
Proficiencies: Athletics +5 Survival +3 Perception +3 Intimidate +2
SA: Bonus Action Rage 3/LR, 1/2 dmg BPS and does +2 melee dmg. Unarmoured Defence +2 AC, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Frenzied Rage Bonus Attack, Exhaustion after Frenzy
Feature: Sceptic - once per Long Rest you may roll a save against one magical effect with Advantage.
Gear:  Explorers' pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 small torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50' hemp rope). 
Money: 10gp

Fighter-3, Human Champion
Background: Soldier
Proficiency Bonus: +2 
AC 17/19 (splint +2 shield), Hit Points: 28
ST: +3 (16) DE: +2 (14) CO: +2  (15) IN: -1 (9) WI: +1 (13) CH: +0 (11)
Proficient Saves: STR +5 CON +4
Proficient Skills: all armour & shields, simple & martial weapons, STR Athletics +5, CHA Intimidation +2, WIS Perception +3 (PP13), WIS Survival +3; vehicles (land), gaming set - dice
Weapons: longsword ATTACK +5 damage 1d8+5; light crossbow ATTACK +4 damage 1d8+2; 
Other Equipment: dice set, dagger, clothes, splint armour, shield, 20 crossbow bolts, explorers' pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 small torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50' hemp rope). Money: 10gp
Special Abilities:Second Wind - Recover 1d10+Level hit points, once per Short Rest.
Fighting Style - Dueling (+2 damage with single 1-handed melee weapon) Second Wind d10+2, Action Surge 1/SR.  'Champion': Critical Hit on 19-20.
Feature: military rank (army) - "You have a military rank from your career as a soldier. Soldiers loyal to your former military organization still recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized."
Money: 15gp

Training is needed for advancement - see below.
Low Level XP awards (per PC)
Easy Achievement: 10 XP (Challenge 0)
Minor Achievement: 25 XP (Challenge 1/8)
Moderate Achievement: 50 XP (Challenge 1/4)
Major Achievement: 100 XP (Challenge 1/2)
Very Hard Achievement: 200 XP (Challenge 1)
Exceptional Achievement: 450 XP (Challenge 2)
XP awards tend to increase over time, as the scale of achievements increase.
Acquiring significant Treasure is usually worth some XP, as is rescuing prisoners, infiltrating a guarded keep, exploring a cavern network, etc. A typical session award for non-combat achievements at Tier 1 might be 100 XP per PC.

Monster XP
XP for defeating monsters is divided between all characters who took part. 
Example: 4 PCs defeat a mutant Ogre, a powerful foe (Challenge 2, 450 XP). Each PC receives 450/4=112 XP. If a single PC had defeated the Ogre, this would be an exceptional achievement, worth 450 XP.

XP for high level monsters - these normally take a team of experienced adventurers to defeat.
CR 3 700 XP - eg Manticore, Hook Horror, Yeti, Minotaur, Wight
CR 4 1,100 XP - eg Ettin, Red Dragon Wyrmling, Shadow Demon
CR 5 1,800 - eg Troll, Hill Giant, Wraith, Gorgon, Flesh Golem, Elemental
CR 6 2,300 - eg Chimera, Wyvern, White Dragon, Vrock Demon
CR 7 2,900 - eg Black Dragon
CR 8 3,900 - eg Hezrou Demon, Green Dragon
CR 9 5,000 - eg Glabrezu Demon, Blue Dragon
CR 10 5,900 - eg Stone Golem, Red Dragon


Level Tiers
3-4: Adventurer
5-10: Hero
11-16: Paragon
17-20: Epic Hero

Level   XP Needed
3               900 (0)
4             2,700 (+1,800) 
5             6,500 (+3,800)
6           14,000 (+7,500) 
7           23,000 (+9,000)
8           34,000 (+11,000)
9           48,000 (+14,000)
10         64,000 (+16,000)
11*         85,000 (+21,000) PC 'Name Level'

The maximum level for Player Characters (and some exceptional NPCs) is 20. 
Player Characters of Tier I & Tier II (Level 3-10) normally earn full adventuring XP. 
*Level 11 ('Name Level') is a soft cap; characters of Tier III & Tier IV (Level 11-20) earn reduced (1/5) adventuring XP, and most such paragons retire or semi-retire from active adventuring to engage in territory development, rulership, politics, warfare, and other high level pursuits.

Territory Development
When characters clear and rule territory around a stronghold (at least 10 miles radius), they may receive a typical tax income of 5-9 silver pieces per inhabitant per month. High level (8th+) Fighters, and some other classes, may also have a body of Followers come to serve them. A typical initial domain has 2-8 (2d4) hamlets, each with 100-400 (100d4) people.

Multiple Characters
It is permitted to have multiple Player Characters. This is useful when one character is unavailable, or to take part in a lower Tier adventure than suited to the player's highest level PC. Player Characters normally start at 3rd level. Players should normally play only one PC at any one time.

House Rules

Long Rest:  a full Long Rest normally takes 1 week, and restores all Hit Dice. Typical adventurer upkeep/subsistence cost is 1gp/day, 7gp/week. Sleeping overnight may restore some hit points, typically 1 hp per level, or 2 hp per level for a full 24 hour day's rest. Salubrious resting in quarters such as a private room may add +1 to this recovery rate to 2 hp/level overnight, 3 hp/level for a full day's rest.
Typically, adventurers go on a 'delve' of up to 6-8 encounters in one day, then return to their base to rest and recuperate for about a week, before setting out again.

Short Rests take 1 hour, but short rest ability recovery (eg Second Wind) is capped at 3 times per day.

Overnight Rest: Sleeping overnight recovers 1 level of Exhaustion, and 1 hit point per level.

Training to Gain Levels - as per DMG page 131.
Level Attained - Training Time  (with mentor) - Training Cost
2-4   - 10 (5) days - 20gp
5-10 - 20 (10) days - 40gp
11-16 - 30 (15) days - 60gp
17-20 - 40 (20) days - 80gp
Characters must pay their normal upkeep costs in addition to training costs. Training with a mentor takes half as long, but typically costs the same total amount.

Initiative & Turns:  One side (or some members of one side) may automatically go first depending on circumstances, eg they succeeded at a Deception, Stealth or Sleight of Hand check, or opponents are initially Surprised

Attacks from the Rear normally have Advantage (GM's judgement). A character may always change their facing on their turn as part of movement, or as a Reaction on the enemy's turn. A character with Speed = 0 cannot change their facing.

Quickdraw Weapons: A light blade (dagger, scimitar, shortsword) in a scabbard, or a javelin or dart in a quiver (maximum 4), may be drawn as part of the Attack action, without using an Object Interaction.

Pikes: The 10' Pike when used by Barbarian Fighter and Paladin class characters is a Versatile weapon that does 1d10 damage 1-handed, 1d12 2-handed. It still has 10' reach, and disadvantage against adjacent opponents.
The 15' Pike is a two handed weapon with 15' reach that does 1d10 damage, and has disadvantage against adjacent opponents. Changing facing with a 15' pike uses half the character's movement.

Social status Income & Expenditure
Lower Class
Subsistence      1sp/day, 3gp/month Maid, Scullion, Slave
Poor                  2sp/day, 6gp/month Labourer, Cook, Infantry Soldier, Barmaid
Unassuming     3sp/day, 9gp/month Yeoman farmer, Corporal, Longbowman, Cavalry, Sailor
Decent             5sp/day  15gp/month Sergeant, Heavy cavalry,Tailor
Middle Class
Modest             1gp/day, 30gp/month Adventurer, Lieutenant, Innkeep, Reeve
Comfortable     2gp/day  60gp/month Armourer, Master Smith, wealthy Innkeep, Captain
Upper Class
Wealthy            4gp/day 120gp/month wealthy Merchant, Colonel, Lord/Lady
Aristocratic      10gp/day 300gp/month High Priest, Baron, General
Noble               20gp/day 600gp/month Duke
Royal               40gp/day 1200gp/month King
Imperial           80gp/day 2400gp/month Emperor



Most tech is standard medieval level, but there is a limited number of hi-tech advanced weapons - slugthrowers, energy weapons, and advanced armour. Some cities maintain a small number of Dirigible Airships, flying ships held aloft by helium, and able to travel four hundred miles in a day. More common are flying mounts, such as Giant Eagles and genetically engineered Wyvern.

Weapons - the most common advanced weapons available are the solar-powered Laser Pistol (500gp, 3d6+DEX damage, 50 shots, Uncommon) & Laser Rifle (5000gp, 3d8+DEX damage, 50 shots, Rare).

Inner City Region, 10,000 AD

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Characters & Concept Art - 10000 AD

Kain, Tech Wizard
Paladin of Taarok

Luis Royo Art

Warforged Lover 

Taarokian Idol 




Monk of the Open Hand





Druid of the Ruins

Tech Wizard

City of the Risen Apes

Saturday, 28 July 2012


Ruins of Old El-Lay, RPGnet PBP

Kaliforna Dreams Yahoogroup (not used for play)

Ruined City, Mutant Future PBEM set in New York, with Apes!

The above two were lost when Yahoo deleted their Yahoogroups, *grrr*